It’s without a doubt been the year of the Thavage, with Chris Bumstead’s partnership at Raw Nutrition taking full stride in 2022.

It’s Christopher’s Secret Stuff, a November 2022 limited-edition release of Raw Nutrition’s CBum Thavage Pre-Workout!
Not only do we have the powerful CBum Thavage Pre-Workout supplement, we also have the Thavage RTD, which is the most loaded pre-workout drink bottle we’ve ever seen. For the powdered pre-workout, they’ve had a couple new flavors recently like Green Crush and Peach Bum.
But how do you get even more Thavage? With this:
Christopher’s Secret Stuff! Limited-Edition Thavage Pre-Workout Flavor
Taking a play out of the movie Space Jam, in a scene where Bugs Bunny “fortifies” his struggling Tune Squad team with a concoction that gives them incredible size and energy, Chris is now doing the same for his fans looking to finish the year strong.
It’s the same formula as the standard Thavage pre-workout, only with a flavor that’s… rather hard to describe. We get into it below, with a brief overview of the Thavage formula — but first, let’s check availability and get you signed up for our Raw Nutrition news alerts:
RAW Nutrition CBUM Thavage Pre-Workout – Deals and Price Drop Alerts
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What does Christopher’s Secret Stuff taste like?
This is tough to put a finger on, but the best description we have for it is something like marshmallow citrus. We’re not kidding — taste the powder and the first thing that comes to mind is a hit of vanilla-scented marshmallow!
After that, and especially in the drink, a light citrus flavor comes through, but it’s really the marshmallow flavor that dominates this one.
Noteworthy: In Raw Nutrition’s website, the flavor is named “Tastes Like Winning”. Makes sense – this is the champ’s go-to fuel in preparation of his fourth title come this December. Perhaps we’ll have a follow-up to the 3 PEAT flavor after that…
A brief recap of the Thavage Ingredients
Here’s a refresher of the label, but the full details are in our full write-up titled Chris Bumstead’s CBUM Thavage Pre Workout: A Pre Fit For Thavages. Below is what you get in a full two-scoop serving:
L-Citrulline – 6000mg
Main Purpose: Nitric oxide booster for pumps.
Beta Alanine – 3200mg
Main Purpose: Muscular endurance.
Betaine Anhydrous – 2500mg
Main Purpose: Ergogenic muscle builder and cell volumizer.
L-Tyrosine – 2000mg
Main Purpose: Focus and vigilance.
Taurine – 2000mg
Main Purpose: Endurance and hydration.
Nitrosigine (Inositol-Stabilized Arginine Silicate) – 1500mg
Main Purpose: Long-lasting nitric oxide and cognitive enhancement.
Agmatine Sulfate – 1000mg
Main Purpose: Added pumps.
Coconut Fruit Water Powder – 500mg
Main Purpose: Hydration and minerals.
Alpha-GPC (Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline 50%) – 400mg
Main Purpose: Choline source for focus.
Caffeine Anhydrous – 260mg (of 305 milligrams total)
Main Purpose: Energy.
L-Theanine – 150mg
Main Purpose: Calmed focus.
Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) Fruit Extract (6% Synephrine) – 100mg
Main Purpose: Energy and improved fat oxidation.
Di-Caffeine Malate – 64mg (delivering 45mg caffeine out of 305 milligrams total)
Main Purpose: Sustained energy.
AstraGin – 25mg
Main Purpose: Absorption amplification and gut health.
Huperzine A (H. serrata) (whole herb) Extract – 100 mcg
Main Purpose: Longer-lasting focus synergistic with the choline.
For the full story, see our main CBUM Thavage Pre-Workout article for the details.
All Thavage flavors currently available
Beyond those, Raw Nutrition also has Itholate whey protein isolate powder — now in incredible Mint Chip Ice Cream flavor. Stack that in for your post-workout protein!
Finish the year strong the Thavage way
With a couple tubs of this, you can finish 2022 in true Thavage style, with one of the most loaded and complete pre-workout supplements that brings energy, focus, and pumps without too much caffeine for most.
Raw Nutrition has had a great year indeed. One final thing we haven’t mentioned is the industry collaboration when Raw Nutrition partnered with GHOST for a CBUM Legend Thavage release for a party in Miami. GHOST is of course no stranger to the “Secret Stuff”, having had had their own Space Jam collab this year. Over five years ago, they sent out their own tub of Secret Stuff, which turned out to be a teaser for their Size supplement.
But this year, we get the Secret Stuff in Thavage form, with Chris Bumstead showing everyone how to build a pre-workout supplement From the Ground Up.
RAW Nutrition CBUM Thavage Pre-Workout – Deals and Price Drop Alerts
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