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Performax Labs EAminoMax: EAA Performance Sports Drink (2021 Upgrades)
EAminoMax from Performax Labs is an incredible intra-workout supplement designed to help stimulate muscle synthesis with a carefully formulated blend of amino acids, mixed in the precise ratios for optimizing hypertrophy and recovery.
The main selling point of EAminoMax is that it contains more than just the “branched-chain amino acids” (BCAAs) that are typically sold […]
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RAW Nutrition Intra-Workout: High-Performance Training Carbs
If you’re serious about achieving optimal performance in the gym and you’ve already perfected your nutrition, training, recovery, and sleep, then supplementation will take things to the next level. There are numerous supplements that can drastically improve your health and performance, such as pre-workouts, creatine, protein powders, essential amino acids, electrolytes, multivitamins, and fish oil[…]
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Kaged Muscle’s Darin Decker: Navigating the Supplement Industry | #047
Darin Decker of Kaged Muscle Supplements joins Ben to catch up on an old friendship and discuss the latest and greatest in the supplement industry. This is a fantastic episode to learn some of the underpinnings of the business from a completely different angle and historical viewpoint.
They begin by talking about Darin’s background, which […]
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Glaxon Astrolyte: Hydrating Electrolytes That Do More
Based out of Houston, TX, Glaxon is an innovative supplement developer that’s seen some crazy weather. The brand is most known for their intensely potent Specimen pre workout supplement series (including the recently upgraded Specimen G.F.Y), but they’ve brought innovation to several supplement categories.
One ingredient that we’ve covered several times in previous Glaxon […]
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5% Nutrition Stage Ready Diuretic: Lose Water Weight But Keep Electrolytes
Excess water weight can be extremely annoying for some, and for others it can be the difference between winning and losing. The late Rich Piana won Mr. California in 1998, and that win came as a result of years of relentless hardcore training coupled with a religious-like attention to nutrition. Prior to competition, even with […]
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Primeval Labs Electrolyte: Let’s Talk About CALCI-K
Primeval Labs Electrolyte is a simple, great tasting electrolyte formula that will give a boost prior to, during, and after training. Each serving (2.6 grams) provides a quality dose of essential electrolytes, which includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.
During exercise or increased exertion, electrolytes are lost through sweat. This may not seem like […]
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Tributyrin: The Gut Health Optimizer
One of the more influential aspects on our health output is based upon the gut microbiome. It’s a collection of microorganisms found throughout the digestive tract that facilitate countless processes and ultimately help the body run like a fine-tuned machine. These are not inconsequential bacteria; they have a significant impact on digestion, immune system, […]
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Glaxon Tranquility: Rest, Relax, Recover
The last time Glaxon was featured on the PricePlow Blog, we covered Plasm Surge V2, its revamped, stimulant-free pump product that had all of the “Goons” talking! Shortly after, the company dropped another innovative product called Astrolyte, a jam-packed electrolyte formula with added gut-health promoting prebiotics.
Glaxon launched at the end of 2019 […]
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Alpha Prime Supps EAA+Hydro: Get Serious About Your Recovery
To perform optimally and progress in any sport, you must adequately recover from training sessions. Besides eating well, getting enough sleep and rest, there are several supplements that can help boost recovery. These products are designed so you can get back in the gym sooner to attack another training session.
In this article, we’ll focus […]
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