Mark Glazier and NutraBio have started to publicly release 3rd party lab tests for ALL of their supplements! Come check it out!
There was a time (LONG ago) when buzzwords like “ultra concentrated” or “proprietary matrix” were embraced by the supplement industry. Those days are long gone now that consumers are more educated and demanding to know exactly what and how much of something goes into the supplements they purchase.
NutraBio has long been established as the supplement industry leader in transparency, even showing an online plant tour of their manufacturing facility. Now they’ve unveiled another layer of transparency with the brand releasing their 3rd party lab tests to consumers!
We’ve got more info about the 3rd party tests below, but first, take a moment to check the best deal and sign up for alerts on your favorite NutraBio products:
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3rd Party Lab Tests
Mark Glazier, CEO and founder of NutraBio, recently announced they are publicly releasing the 3rd party lab tests conducted on their rather extensive line of protein powders.[1] Available lab tests include any protein powder that was manufactured after December 31, 2016.
You can view a copy of the results by entering the lot number, located on the bottom of each tub, on NutraBio’s third-party test results page. All protein results are live along with about a third of all others products, and the brand is adding more every day. See the image below for a close up:
To go, simply click here. You can also find it by visiting the product page for your purchased protein on NutraBio’s website, and clicking the “Test Results” tab, then clicking “Check My Lot Number” button. You can then enter in the lot number of your protein in the text box:
After the number is entered, click “Search” and you’ll be taken to your test results which you can then view to see how your batch of protein checked out in the 3rd party lab tests!
Even More Testing!
As mentioned above, NutraBio is about ⅓ of the way done in releasing 3rd-party tests on all other products, and is working to get better coverage of those as well. So if you have a new supplement manufactured in 2017 from them, give it a shot as well,
Say for example, you wanted to see how NutraBio’s Creatine Monohydrate checked out in testing, you can do that now too! Simply follow the same steps as listed above and you’ll eventually be able to view your own personal tubs batch test results!
An Owner’s Touch
We’ve all seen Mark Glazier’s passion for quality ingredients, but we didn’t even realize the lengths he goes to. Each and every 3rd party lab result for every raw ingredient and every finished products is sent direct to his phone!
With this kind of instant access, Glazier is able to see the results even while his lab is processing them! NutraBio has always been about No Prop Blends, No fillers, Full therapeutic dosages, no scams and published 3rd party lab results, and this just emphasizes the point even more!
Check out this video of Mark Glazier detailing exactly how each and every single ingredient that NutraBio comes across is rigorously tested for quality and purity and that this is actually the law – companies that do not do this (and there are several) are not manufacturing within the federal guidelines:
Back in 2015, NutraBio had some other tubs bought off of the shelf and third-party tested.
The lab ran a batch of tests, and showed a ton of individual amino acids to prove that they weren’t amino spiked. No surprise… it passed with flying colors!
To be specific, the tests showed that each scoop of NutraBio’s Whey Protein Isolate contained 25.78g dry basis and 24.54g as is. Additionally, those tests also showed absolutely no free form amino spiking!
Mark and NutraBio have always talked the talked about quality and transparency, but they also walk the walk as you can see – and this has been going on for decades, not just years!
NutraBio is leading the charge for transparency within the industry as the first company we’re aware of to give consumers access to 3rd party lab tests for each and every single product in their vast arsenal. This is quite the statement for NutraBio and one we can stand up and applaud. Now, if only the rest of the industry could follow their lead!
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