Bad news, Jack3d fans.
This e-mail just landed in my inbox, courtesy Europa Sports (supplement distributors):
Dallas, TX – April 16, 2013 – USPlabs stands by the safety and legality of its products containing the dietary ingredient 1,3-DMAA.
Despite being among the most studied ingredients ever with 11 published peer-reviewed clinical & analytical studies, the FDA has urged the industry to discontinue the use of 1,3-DMAA in dietary supplements. We disagree with FDA’s position.
The company has never-the-less concluded for business reasons to phase-out products containing 1,3-DMAA and replace them with new advanced formulations.
USPlabs would like to take this opportunity to thank its loyal customers who can continue to expect safe and effective products developed through cutting-edge research and development.
I’ll save my opinions for another day (we are clearly fans of USPLabs, Jack3d, and the personal right to choose), but wanted to simply report the facts, and also, some good news:
Jack3d Advanced Formula is Coming!
Here’s a sneak peak:
Jack3d Advanced is Coming – In the Meantime, Buy Your OG Jack3d While You Can!
April 24, 2013 – We have a quick update on the Jack3d Advanced Formula: USPLabs has confirmed that it will be released around July. No word to the actual release date, but sign up for notifications below. Jack3d Original will continue to be sold until it is out of stock, which may last into the fall – but don’t take that chance if you’re a big fan! We don’t know anything about this Advanced Formula, except for the potential release date mentioned above. How about we run an ongoing contest of the ingredient profile?
Where Can I get Jack3d?!?!?!?!?!
We have you covered in more ways than one. For as long as there’s a store that we work with carrying it, we’ll compare prices on our USPLabs Jack3d page.
But coincidentally, this week’s contest is also for Jack3d! So get signed up and share the news for more chances to win a free tub!
The Same Goes for the Original OxyELITE Pro
OxyELITE Pro, in the meantime, has already been “dual-branded”, with the original OxyELITE Pro formula and the New OxyELITE Pro Formula – both named “OxyELITE Pro”, but the new one with a purple top.
We’ll again keep our prices up to date on the OG OEP product page linked above.
The End of an Era…
We’ll keep this post up to date with updates down here at the bottom. When you sign up for the contest above, you’ll also be notified of important updates.
Update: Things got even crazier in the months since this was posted
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