Lipid Hypothesis (Tag Archives)
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How I “Fixed” My Cholesterol Levels with a Low-Carb Diet
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Using 100g net carbohydrates per day (85-100% of them around AM workouts), I was able to make the following lipid and metabolic changes:
Triglycerides: 41 (down from 46 and 66) HDL: 56 (down from 66 and 59) LDL: 125 (down from 205 and 193) Total Cholesterol: 193 (down from 280 and[…]Continue Reading →
My LDL Cholesterol is High, But I’m Not Worried. Here’s Why.
Note: This is part one of a three-part series on cholesterol, heart disease risk, and the start of my personal journey towards health optimization via food and dietary strategy.
On March 8, 2019, I made a post on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) explaining that after a dietary change, I was feeling better than […]
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