BEWARE: Antinobotan Solution is Spamming (and Scamming?) The Web

Warning: On September 22, 2017, our YouTube channel began receiving absurd amounts of comment spam asking about something known as Antinobotan Solution.

These comments are clearly fraudulent and have been made using fake Google accounts with no other activity. Some examples are below, but they effectively all ask if you’ve ever heard of it, and then say to “Google it” because it was a “popular fat loss system”.

This post is to serve as a buyer beware — our bet is that eventually, there will be some kind of weight loss system known as the Antinobotan Solution, they will clearly be using underhanded techniques — such as spam — to sell it. We urge you never to trust someone who has to take these types of measures to promote their product.

So we decided to Google “Antinobotan Solution” anyway…

What did we find? Absolutely nothing of substance… except for pages and pages of other blog posts and YouTube videos that were hit with this comment spam:

Antinobotan Solution

BEWARE: Antinobotan Solution was begun by spamming the web, our YouTube channel included

But then there’s, with illegal “as seen on” endorsements

Next, we checked out what we can assume to be their website, archived here, which you can see is a horrible attempt to get you to enter their sales funnel (which is currently broken) by using fraudulent “as seen on” endorsements of major media outlets.

Well of course it was “seen” on those websites — some clown spammed them with fake comments!

A couple example comments

Here are two examples:

Any one tried the Antinobotan Solution (do a search on google)? I’ve noticed several amazing things about this popular fat loss system.

Antinobotan Solution Scam

An example of the Antinobotan Solution scam comment spam we’re dealing with right now

And another:

They laughed when I told them I was gonna lose weight with just implementing Antinobotan Solution, but after I showed them great results right after I used it they’re begging me to share with them about it. Of course I won’t let them know the detail about this diet plan, lol

Nice try, especially since the “solution” isn’t even released yet!

What’s really happening here?

It seems that “Antinobotan Solution” is a soon-to-be launched diet plan (or similar) that is [unfortunately] coming soon. But they’re priming up the pre-release “marketing”, which includes an egregious amount of questionably shady spam and a website that uses underhanded (and very likely illegal) endorsement methods.

This is probably for at least two purposes:

  1. Get people to start Googling for this absurd nonsense, which will eventually return search pages full of affiliates who are well-paid to sell you something that is likely not worth the money.
  2. It will tell the scammers whose websites and YouTube channels have their guards down. Any site that allows this comment is vulnerable for more spam — and next time, they’ll come back and start dropping links to their shady sales pitch.

This is how this crap starts, although we wouldn’t be surprised if they had even more nefarious plans than that.

Antinobotan Solution is never to be trusted by us

Long story short, whatever happens with Antinobotan Solution thing, just realize that it all began with a terrible spam campaign and a website that is not exactly above-board. Regardless of what this system is trying to sell you, it’s starting off on a terrible foot, and we would never trust the people selling it.

So, to the punk who’s running and creating the Antinobotan Solution – good luck to you and your ill-gotten gains. Go ahead and spam channels and blogs like ours. And we’ll be here to tell our faithful readers not to buy it.

About the Author: Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto is a research scientist and water sports athlete who founded PricePlow. He is an n=1 diet experimenter with extensive experience in supplementation and dietary modification, whose personal expertise stems from several experiments done on himself while sharing lab tests.

Mike's goal is to bridge the gap between nutritional research scientists and non-academics who seek to better their health in a system that has catastrophically failed the public. Mike is currently experimenting with a low Vitamin A diet.

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