The day is almost upon us! Natural Body Inc – the hugely popular retail supplement chain based around New York headed by Steve Calabrese and Tim Gritzman – is gearing up to put on a show. Their annual Block Party in the Big Apple is happening on Saturday, August 12th, and it’s expected to be attended by the who’s who in the supplement industry.
In preparation for the event, brands are dropping some awesome new products and flavors. Recognizing the opportunity to celebrate, Core Nutritionals, Doug Miller’s supplement juggernaut, will be attending with a new flavor of their hardcore pre-workout, Core Fury.
The Big Crangrapple
Core is famous for their incredibly strong formulation skills, and this is perhaps most apparent in their flagship pre-workout product: Core Fury. In Doug’s typical iterative approach, Core Fury recently underwent an overhaul with Fury V2, with the classic formula becoming even more well-rounded and intense.
While formulation is key, it’s important to not overlook the value of good flavors, and Core has both elements locked down tight. In celebration of Natural Body’s Block Party, Core is releasing a Cran Grapple flavor of Fury, a delectable synthesis of cranberry, grape, and apple. It’s just what the doctor ordered for these sweltering August days.
We’re going to dive into a little summary on how Core Fury works, but first, let’s check the PricePlow for good Core deals, and check out our video review of the new flavor:
Core Nutritionals FURY – Deals and Price Drop Alerts
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Core Fury – How It Works
Each 42.5g scoop of Core Fury contains the following ingredients:
FURY Pump Blend
- L-Citrulline (6,000mg): Enhances nitric oxide production, boosting oxygen intake, endurance, and reducing muscle soreness.
- VasoDrive-AP (254mg): A blend of milk proteins that widens blood vessels by inhibiting the vasoconstrictor enzyme, ACE.
- CitraPeak (200mg): A citrus-derived ingredient that improves blood flow and skin coloration through vasodilation.
FURY Performance Blend
- Beta-alanine (3,200mg): Extends athletic endurance by buffering lactic acid within muscles.
- Betaine anhydrous (2,500mg): Facilitates cellular energy production and hyperhydration.
- Senactiv (50mg): Derived from ginseng and Rosa roxburghii, breaks down aging cells, allowing younger cells to emerge.
FURY Hydration Blend
- Taurine (2,000mg): Aids in cellular hydration, nutrient absorption, and endurance.
- Albion Potassium Glycinate Complex (395mg): Essential for cardiovascular health, balancing potassium and sodium.
- Sea salt (260mg): Replenishes sodium lost during perspiration.
FURY Focus Blend
- L-Tyrosine (2,000mg): Enhances mood, focus, and athletic performance.
- Alpha-GPC 50% (300mg): Vital for cell membranes and neurotransmitters, improving focus and learning.
- Cocoabuterol Cocoa Extract (100mg): Benefits include appetite suppression and energy increase.
- Pregnenolone (10mg): A precursor to steroid hormones, plays a role in stress response and neuronal protection.
FURY Energy Blend
- Caffeine anhydrous (250mg): Reduces tiredness, enhances fat oxidation, performance, strength, endurance, and cognitive functions.
- Caffeine citrate (150mg): Commonly used for respiratory problems in infants, potential adult benefits not substantiated.
- zumXR (100mg): A modified version of caffeine for extended release, providing a gradual energy increase.
For a more in-depth analysis on each of these ingredients, check out our article entitled “Core Nutritionals FURY Pre-Workout v2 Available Everywhere”.
All Core Fury flavors
Check out our up-to-date list of Core Fury flavors below:
Core Nutritionals x FunSweets coming soon!
Dog day afternoons
We’re now in the part of the year where the heat feels oppressive and the sweat drips copiously, regardless of whether we’re working out or standing around. That doesn’t mean we have to give into the sloth that the weather seems to encourage.
Weights still need lifting, and for that, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better companion than Core Fury. So get up, throw a scoop of Cran Grapple – which will be exclusively available from Natural Body, Inc. – in your water bottle, and get those reps in.
Core Nutritionals FURY – Deals and Price Drop Alerts
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