Colby’s Ultimate-T Log: 23 Year Old Powerlifting Training

Ultimate-T Review Colby

Meet our first Ultimate-T Logger, Colby! Follow his journey here one PricePlow with weekly updates!

We put out a call for loggers for USPLabs newest all-natural Testosterone Booster, Ultimate T, and it turns out our first logger, Colby, is already logging!

So catch up and follow along each week to track his progress and see if Ultimate-T could be the next great supplement to add to your stash!


Colby Strunk is a 23 year old Strongman and Powerlifter strength athlete from Portland, Oregon. Colby trains at Elite Performance Center under the guidance of Stanton Strength and Conditioning.

Colby has competed in nine Strongman shows in Oregon and Washington in the last two years and four bench press competitions. He is currently training for the Full Power APA Elite Fall Classic contest in October held at Elite Performance Center.

Colby works as a Recruiting Coordinator for a major healthcare organization based out of Portland, OR and is continuing his education at Portland State University; where he is expected to graduate with a double major in Human Resources Management, Leadership Management and a minor in Philosophy by the end of Winter.

Hobbies outside strength barbell training include sports such as Rugby, Football, Basketball, Motocross, Quads, Wake boarding, Hiking and Swimming.


My training program is based off the four major lifts: Strict Overhead Press, Bench Press, Squat and Deadlift. Currently, I am programmed to train twice a week, two upper body days and two lower body days.

I always train upper first, followed by a lower body day, as I have found the CNS needs more time to recover after a brutal squat/deadlift training. My programming was created by coach Jordan Staton who also trains out of Elite Performance Center in Portland. OR. The program consists of four phases: Diagnostic, Overload, Specialist and Realization phases. I am currently in phase one (Diagnostic) and the programming is as follows:

USPLabs Ultimate-T

Colby is one of our loggers trying the latest Natural Testosterone Booster from USPLabs. Make sure to follow his journey!


  • Intensity bench press 1×5@ % of 1RM
  • Volume strict overhead 5×5@ % 1RM
  • Accessory (dips, rear delts, lateral dumbbell raises) 4 sets volume sets for hypertrophy, skill practice and work capacity.


  • Volume squats 5×5@ % more than 1×5 intensity squats
  • Leg press, volume with resistance bands+weight
  • Olympic lift (kinda like a snatch) high intensity, low reps
  • Ab rollouts of banded crunches


  • Rest/school


  • Volume bench 5×5 @ % 1RM
  • Intensity strict overhead press 1×5
  • Dumbbell 4 sets, up to 40+ reps total
  • Barbell strict curls, AMAP 4 sets
  • Abs


  • Rest/hang out with family, friends and girlfriend


  • Intensity squat 1×5
  • Intensity deadlift 1×5
  • Back work, either barbell or dumbbell- volume
  • GHD AMAP x3-4 sets


  • Optional Strongman/accessory day @ 50% intensity

Update: Colby’s Trainer, Jordan, has offered Phase 1 of his strength program. His programs are amazing – so if you want to get trained by Jordan, contact us and we’ll set you up!

Session One

Session Two


Rep Scheme




Rep Scheme



Bench Press



2-5 minutes




5-10 minutes

Overhead Press



5-10 minutes

Back Extensions

4 sets AMRAP

1 minute

Skull Crusher




Banded Single Leg Press


60 seconds

Chin Ups

50 Reps

RKC Planks

3 sets for time

60 seconds

Session Three

Session Four


Rep Scheme




Rep Scheme



Overhead Press



2-5 minutes




2-5 minutes

Bench Press



5-10 minutes




2-5 minutes

Dumbbell Incline (with 1 second pause)


60 seconds

Bodyweight Row on Rings

60 Reps

Hammer Curls


45 seconds

Glute Ham Raise

40 reps


My diet never has and never will be completely dialed in (as in counting every macro, gram of sodium, etc.) I aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, so around 215 grams a day.

I do my best to get my protein through food sources but I take two scoops of Modern Protein a day, one scoop with AM coffee and 1 scoop with a protein smoothie I sip on throughout the day. My food sources are as follows:

  • Proteins: Chicken, ground lean turkey, Steak, Bacon, Fish, Eggs/egg whites, Lactose free milk, Greek yogurts
  • Carb Sources: Potatoes, Rice, Beans, Oats
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Mostly berries, broccoli, spinach, and peppers
  • Fat sources: Avacado, Coconut Oil, Peanut butter

*NO chips, soda and alcohol are allowed in my diet, however exceptions are made for other “sweets” such as cookies, and pastries on a needs basis or special occasions.


  • Qualify for Strongman Nationals 2015 in the 231 weight class
  • Full-Power meet October Squat: 600 Bench: 405 Deadlift 600 at 198/220lb body weight
  • Increase lean body mass
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Stay fit and health and keep training as a balanced lifestyle!


  • Age: 23
  • Height: 5’10
  • Weight: 208.6lbs (compete at 198-231 depending on the sport)

Social Media Links


I follow the protocol on the official USPLabs Ultimate-T bottle. 2 capsules with my morning meal/shake one 2 capsules 6-8 hours later. I try and take them at the same time everyday for consistency sake.

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  • Week 1 Recap

    Ultimate-T Review Colby 01

    Colby working on his Overhead Press Week 1.

    Training: I started working with Jordan the same week I began Ultimate-T. After our consultation we set my numbers based on a 1rm of

    • Squat: 500lbs
    • Bench: 350lbs, and
    • Deadlift: 530lbs

    These are conservative numbers. Being in the introductory phase, we started low on the numbers to rebuild a solid foundation. I have some compression in my sciatica so we are being cautious of that. I followed my training program perfectly, hit every rep and every session with renewed intensity.


    Being that we are in the introductory phase, the weight was “easy” and all reps were clean. I did not feel any immediate strength increases from Ultimate-T from week one.

    Mindset and Mood:

    My mindset was on point! I am dedicated to following a strict plan customized to my needs and goals. Keeping my diet in check and utilizing some of the best supplements on the market makes me strive even harder to push my limits and see what these products can help me achieve.

    By the end of week one I had a slightly more “alphamale” mindset and felt great, invigorated is the word I would use to describe it. This mindset and mood followed me into my professional environment and yielded results for my company.

    Body Recomposition Changes:

    I started Ultimate-T at around 220lbs, and fairly lean. By the end of the week I looked slightly more vascular.

  • Week 2 Recap

    Ultimate-T Review Colby 02

    Colby hard at work, developing his bench pressing power!


    On week two of training we increased the weights by 10lbs for leg movements and 5 lbs for upper body movements. I completed all reps, clean and efficiently. The weights felt better in my hands/back than on week two. I made all trainings and did not miss a set or rep. I did add from mobility/rehab training into my program to assist in releasing built up tension in my lower back.


    During week two, the weights were increased but my movement/bar speed stayed the same. My strength felt as good as it ever had- and in fact I hit a squat 5×5 PR!

    Mindset and Mood:

    If I could use one word to describe my mindset and mood it would be confident. If I could use more it would be Confident, eager, and daring. I truly felt reinvigorated to train and work max intensity, every rep, every set!

    When you are training with a goal, eating for performance and utilizing a product such as Ultimate-T, I felt like my training sessions were brought to the next level. Again, these attributes carry over into my personal and professional life and people made comments on how I stood, my drive and energy for my work.

    Body Recomposition Changes:

    My body weight dropped to round 217 lbs since starting Ultimate-T, the vascularity was more pronounced. I had a very mild acne flare up that was easily cleared with some extra scrub, but was an early indicator that the product has begun to “kick in”.

    *One random change I noticed was that my body seems to be experiencing a mild thermogenic feeling, resting but most notably during exercise. It could be a 100 things but after week one on UltimateT I noticed this welcomed change.

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    Disclosure: PricePlow relies on pricing from stores with which we have a business relationship. We work hard to keep pricing current, but you may find a better offer.

    Posts are sponsored in part by the retailers and/or brands listed on this page.

  • Week 3 Recap


    Ultimate-T Review Colby 5x5 Squats

    Colby hard at work getting after his heavy 5×5 squats.

    To be completely honest, training has been sub par this week. I started summer classes (accelerated course) and had a doctor’s appointment then MRI for my sciatica. The good news is, I will know what’s wrong shortly, the “bad” news was I had to tone down my intensity.

    I was programmed for squats to hit 5×5 @ 370 lbs then 1×5 @ 415 lbs this week but I had to drop the load considerably until I get the results back, but that’s ok! I added in a TON of banded leg presses to compensate. In all honesty, my body could use a deload week anyways (I took a week off of deadlifts).

    Bench went well however, I slowly continue to move the weight back up with a 5×5 @ 315 lbs followed by a 2×2 @345 and 1×1 @ 345 lbs. I am very happy to see those numbers again. I am LOVING the results I am seeing from incorporating a volume and intensity day of strict overhead press into my training, Jordan did very well when he programmed those in for me.

    I am planning on resting one more day (Friday) and celebrating my girlfriend’s new career , but her and I will be tearing up the gym Saturday (bench) and Sunday (squat).


    Despite my back pain, my strength feels great, each week my squat is progressing at a rate it never has in the past, which is very exciting for me. My bench, overhead and accessory movements also feel good. No crazy 50 lb PR jumps or anything BUT when I started my training with Jordan and Ultimate-T my conservative 1RM for sleeves only back squat was 420 lbs (wrapped squat is well over 500 lbs). I am now doing working sets with 405 lbs.

    Mindset and Mood:

    Ultimate-T Review Colby Week 3

    3 weeks in and Colby is noticing some major physique improvements during his recomp.

    This is the area I really started to notice Ultimate-T. I have had an increased sense of welling-being and a positive outlook on life. My mind has been sharp and reflexes impeccable. This might seem like a tangent or a joke but there is a video game I play when I am beta testing new products that might affect these traits: Galaga. Good old retro old school arcade game.

    I have been playing this game for years and have always had a consistent overall score of around 150k points, total. I managed over 230k points on ONE ship (life) that was unprecedented for me and made me consider the positive effect Ultimate-T may be having on my sharpness, clarity, daring and motor skills. I obviously cannot prove this but it is a little indicator test, if you will, when I try new supplements.

    I really don’t like to use this term because it is overplayed in the fitness industry but when used correctly, signifies a real effect of Ultimate-T and any legit test booster and that is the “Alpha Male” feeling. The take charge, lead, and dominate sense of being. I have noticed that this week, in particular and have used it in and out of the gym. I am able to really buckle down and focus on my work, school, and sets in the gym. I have also noticed an increased libido.

    Body Recomposition Changes:

    I weighed in this week at 207.6 lbs in the morning, which is a few more lbs down from when I started. I am leaner, more vascular and harder, like that dry look. If you see the images this change is very noticeable.

    Misc. Changes:

    Ultimate-T Review Colby Smoothie

    Nutrition is key to a recomp. Here’s Colby’s nighttime smoothie that includes spinach, blueberries, egg whites, and USPLabs Modern Protein

    I have noticed my body seems to be running at a higher performance level, slightly warmer. I would compare it to using premium fuel instead of unleaded. My body just feels more in tune, alert and responsive to training and well, just life.


    Diet is KEY folks and when coupled with Ultimate-T can bring your body and mind to a whole new level. I have started food prepping more meals and shakes. I have also been diligent about adding greens and fruits to my diet and this has made a world of difference. I believe that diet is the key that unlocks all the benefits Ultimate-T can deliver.

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Week 4 Recap

  • Training
    Colby's Ultimate-T Log - Leg Day

    Despite injury, Colby had an incredible squat day during week four.

    I got the results back from my MRI and they show a protruding disc in my L5 S1; the goods news is I am starting physical therapy and rehab exercises immediately. Despite my back issues, I am still able to train hard! I even PR’d my squat this week!

    I ended last week on a high note with my 5×1@415lbs on the back squat, just sleeves.

    • Monday:

      Bench day, hit 3×1@345lbs bench, 5lbs off my starting estimated 1RM. I am happy with how much bench is progressing again. Jordan switched up my accessory movements this week so after my 3×1 bench, 5×5 overhead press I did an assortment of chin-ups, skullcrushers and ab roll outs.

    • Tuesday:

      Squat volume day, hit my 5×5 squat but significantly reduced to load while I am in active recovery.

    • Thursday: Intensity Strict OHP and Volume Bench!

      • 1×5@175lb
      • 5×5@~295lbs
      • 44 reps Dumbbell pause incline bench
      • 44 reps Dips

      Workout went pretty well, I benched with my feet up for the first three sets to alleviate my lower back pain, strength felt on par, gym intensity and focus was on point.

    • Friday: Intensity squats!

      • 5×1@425lbs
      • 3×2@500lbs (trap bar deads)
      • Olympic ring body weight rows 6×10
      • Glute ham raises- 60 reps
      Ultimate-T Log

      Click the image to get the best deal on Ultimate-T!

      I can’t believe how well squats went on Friday. After PT on Thursday I was told to take it easy and only stretch at the gym, however, it was squat day.

      I took two Ultimate-T with my Pre-workout meal of steak, broccoli, bacon and rice. Once at the gym I took two scoops Jack3d-AF and was off to do warm ups.

      From the first rep I knew it was going to be a good day, I ended with a PR 5×1@425lbs sleeves only. This was 6lbs more than my starting 1RM for 5 singles.

    I am very pleased with my results. Once again, just goes to show what proper nutrition, sleep, supplements, and training can do for you in a few weeks’ time.

  • Strength

    My strength continues to slowly progress along with training program which is progressive. I am now able to perform working sets on strict OHP, bench, squat and deadlifts with my starting 1RM which is absolutely awesome.

  • Mindset and Mood

    My mind seems sharp, clear and focused. My mood could be described as intense, when appropriate of course. I am determined to rehab this injury and continue to push my squat PR’s weekly.

  • Body Recomposition Changes
    Ultimate-T Log - Leg Changes

    Colby is noticing a leaned out body composition profile after four weeks of Ultimate-T

    I weighed in this week still around 207lbs in the morning, which is a few more lbs down from when I started. I am leaner, more vascular and harder, like that dry look. My midsection has continued to tighten up as well.

  • Misc. Changes

    Just like last week I have continued to see results in my vascularity, tightness, hardness and midsection reduction. These results are clear from my pictures and videos if you follow me on Instagram. My skin has also really cleared up this week after an initial minor flare up.

  • Diet

    With the exception of July 4th, my diet was pretty good this week. I continue to prep meals and make it a priority to eat greens with all my meals in one shape or another. I also bought a few packages of steak to switch it up from the usual chicken, broccoli and rice. Eating nutrient dense meals and supplementing with shakes in between meals is key to my success and healthy wellbeing.

Ultimate-T Review Log

This marks the end of the first bottle, but Colby’s going to run two for maximum gains!

Editor’s Note: This just about marks the end of Colby’s first bottle of Ultimate-T, so these experiences are what you can note from a one bottle review. Colby has a second bottle that he will continue using after his last few days on bottle 1 are done.

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Week 5 Recap

  • Training

    Hey what’s up!? Colby here, back with a week 5 recap!

    Colby Squat Prep Week 5

    Colby is prepping for another strong squat session as he enters Week 5 of his Ultimate-T Log.

    I had a decent week of training, however, the stressors of life had me a little worn out. I still hit some solid numbers and kept training through the back pain. I also had my second physical therapy session and we discussed me getting a lumbar traction apparatus for at home care, which I am thrilled about.

    Jordan is getting ready to move me to phase two of his program, as I am beginning to hit a wall. I am very excited to see what he has up his sleeves for this next phase of the program, seeing how phase one was so successful.

    • Monday:

      Bench day, hit 3×1@350 bench, which was my starting estimated 1RM. I am happy with how much bench is progressing. After bench we banged out some 5×5 strict OHP, then moved to volume bodybuilding movements, such as: tricep pushdown from the knees, preacher curls, and incline dumbbell presses.

    • Tuesday:

      Squat volume day- Chris was in the gym and he helped analyze my squat form and pressurization technique, he liked what he saw. I only worked up to 365lbsx4 then back down to 4×5@315 to give my back some much needed rest. I also joined Shawn Doyle (world champion power lifter) for some deadlift stance box squats with a buffalo bar. Those really hit the quads and actually felt good on my back!

      I might ask Jordan if we can add those in for a few weeks on my volume day to give the spine a little break. I also tinkered with our belt squat machine, front squats and single legged banded leg press (try these if you can, they are very efficient way to pack some mass on your quads and strengthen your stabilizers).

    • Thursday: Intensity Strict OHP and Volume Bench!

      Well, that was what is was supposed to be… I had a really off day Thursday. I am not sure what happened, maybe I was tired from work/school or something in the air but the weight wasn’t moving….so I built up a: Bench, overhead press, preacher curl, tricep push down, lat pull down superset and ran through that 5 times before calling it a day.

    • Friday: Intensity squats!

      EPC held a powerlifting meet on Saturday so I was forced to move my intensity squat session a day ahead, and i felt it; that being said I was able to hit 415lbs for two singles, 425lbs for a single and 435lbs for a double! All with minimal pain.

      I skipped my trap bar deadlifts this week to give my back some more rest and instead added leg extensions, ring bodyweight rows and back extensions to hammer away at some accessory movements.

  • Strength

    My strength feels about the same as last week, however, hitting those two reps at 435lbs is most likely a PR for raw squats, no wraps.

    Mindset and Mood I have noticed a little additional increase in aggression from week 4 to 5, I seem a bit quicker to get fired up. Overall though, I have had a solid mood and a clear head.

  • Body Recomposition Changes

    I weighed in this week at 205.9lbs! I immediately went to the store and LOADED up on extra “junk foods”. This product and my training regimen is really taking the pounds off! This is a great recomp assistance supplement from my experience.

  • Misc. Changes

    Just like last week I have continued to see results in my vascularity, tightness, hardness and midsection reduction. Two of the most pronounced random changes this last week has been my sleep quality and alertness in the morning. I feel as if I am getting a deeper sleep and waking up ready to hop out of bed. I usually hit snooze until the last possible second but lately I have been up and ready to start the day.

    Flapjacked Protein Pancake Mix

    Trying to keep protein high, but still want good tasting food? Grab some flapJacked Package Mix to make protein packed pancakes that taste amazing!

    The second was, I starting running- I ran a mile without stopping except to adjust my “Map my run” application that was tracking my time- which put me at a sub 7 minute mile- not bad for a powerlifter!

  • Diet

    I am still prepping about half my food, but since my weight is dropping off quicker than I want, I have begun adding in extra snacks to try and halt the weight drop.

    I am still eating a lot of steak and fish, chicken has got too repetitive for the last few weeks. In addition to my morning cup of Modern Protein coffee, I picked up some “flapJacked” Whey protein isolate pancake mix (gluten free, coconut flour), we usually add some sort of fruit in these and use sugar free syrup. Quite delicious!

Week 6 Recap

  • Training:

    This week I moved into phase two of Jordan programming for my upcoming Powerlifting meet. Phase two is going to be roughly 7-8 weeks long and focuses on multiple intensity sets (3-6 sets), performing doubles and linear progression when I successfully complete the sets for the following week. Jordan said this is the hardest portion of the phase and the cumulative fatigue will be more than I can recover from, during this period. I am excited to crank up the intensity! This week was also a huge PR week for my girl friend who is on a mission to claim the ALL-TIME records in the squat and deadlift @97lbs bodyweight (see video).

    • Monday:

      Moving into Phase two required me to do a little deload week. I only went up to 285 lbs for some speed reps. I also went very light on my strict overhead press, 135 lbs.

    • Tuesday:

      Squat 5×5@365lbs

      Hammered my quads after my 5×5 with front squat, and banded leg presses.

      Thursday: Intensity Strict OHP and Volume Bench!

      3×2@170 Strict OHP

      4×2@315lbs Bench

      then performed arm/back circuit

    • Saturday: Intensity squats! Intensity squats!

      Ultimate-T Review Colby's Training Progression

      Here’s a glimpse into Colby’s progression as he enters the 2nd Phase of his training regimen.



      Trap Bar deadlifts



      4 sets of Glute Ham Raises and 50 reps with banded single leg presses

  • Strength

    At this point in training program I am beginning to recover a bit slower so strength has stopped jumping 10lbs each week. Overall I am feeling much more confident and stronger in the core lifts.

  • Mindset and Mood

    If I had to select two words to describe my mindset and mood over the last week they would be, confident and motivated.

  • Body Recomposition Changes

    My weight has leveled back off at 207lbs, which is consistent of my goals. I want to slowly start adding more mass onto my frame, so I have bumped up my caloric intake around 300-400 calories- they key is to gain as little to no fat as possible.

  • Misc. Changes

    Each week, my vascularity is becoming more pronounced and the muscle “hardness” is noticeable. I am still experiencing the overall improved sense of sleep and well-being.

  • Colby with USPLabs Pros

    Colby hanging with USPLabs Athletes Chriss Duffin and Matt Vincent

  • Diet

    My diet has not changed much from last week to this week, still cooking a lot of my own food and when I do go out I order a lot of chicken, black beans, brown rice, the usual. I did have a few cheat meals after my heavy squats this week, some chocolate cake, a rootbeer float and chocolate cake! Remember, all things in balance!

  • Thoughts

    Now that I am six weeks into Ultimate-T and have given it time to really kick in, I can undoubtedly say it can assist most anyone in achieving their goals when paired with proper nutrition and training. Whatever you goals might be, running, swimming, lifting, or other, Ultimate-T is worthy of a try to take your performance to the next level. This seems to be a perfectly natural and safe product, I have had zero side effects (minus a few zits).

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About the Author: Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto

Mike Roberto is a research scientist and water sports athlete who founded PricePlow. He is an n=1 diet experimenter with extensive experience in supplementation and dietary modification, whose personal expertise stems from several experiments done on himself while sharing lab tests.

Mike's goal is to bridge the gap between nutritional research scientists and non-academics who seek to better their health in a system that has catastrophically failed the public. Mike is currently experimenting with a low Vitamin A diet.

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